Stages of a Painting - Getting Out

These photos show the progression of the painting and are taken at
different times and therefore the lighting and colours will vary.
The final image is the most true to the original.

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages


John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

John Ogilvy - Stages

~ Finished Painting ~

John Ogilvy - Stages

Getting Out
60 x 40



View this painting in the gallery!


Also see: Stages of a Painting - November

Also see: Stages of a Painting - Getting In